We are event professionals, yet industry friends.
Your job is to pull off the magic for your clients’ special events – giving them a seamless, spectacular experience.
At TCWEP, we celebrate YOU. Each month we put on our own special event, sponsored by local event venues. The Twin Cities and surrounding suburbs have many venue spaces that are hidden gems. Sponsorship showcasing of event venues create win-win benefits. At our member meetings, you get to be known, be acknowledged, showcase your awesomeness, and hang with “your people” – other event professionals who use their skills, talents and gifts to create (aka: often “pull off”) miracles every day so our clients have stellar event experiences.
Member partnerships are the way we enrich our wedding and event businesses and give our clients the richest event experience possible.
We invite event professionals in the Minneapolis-St. Paul and surrounding areas in the upper Midwest to collaberate with us, share your genius, and exchange ideas and referrals. Members and non-members who are vendors that service events are encouraged to attend our monthly events. B2B (business to business & local event industry trade show’s) are also welcome and encouraged to visit once, and then apply for membership and participation guidelines. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
As a Twin Cities Wedding and Event Professionals member, collaborating and word of mouth referrals is what we are about. We provide a safe place to converse with industry friends, partners and competitors to enrich each others’ industry knowledge.
Since many of us have businesses that have higher seasonal demands, sometimes your draining battery simply needs to be plugged into a transformer for a time.
Connecting with other event professionals who also understand the demands of the event industry can be re-energizing, perspective-shifting and solution-providing at times when you don’t believe you have the time. Yet, someone at our monthly event or our online directory just may have the boost you need, just when you need it the most.
TCWEP online membership gives you access to our 24/7/365 referral/support board which allows members to seek out recommendations and referrals for your clients with trusted colleagues, ask questions, seek out solutions, sharing upcoming events, posting for jobs, etc. at no charge for online members.
TCWEP members become industry experts, being able to ask your clients what else they need/ want/dream for their event, and being able to personally refer to some of the best and trusted in the industry.