TCWEP is a networking group of event industry professionals. TCWEP’s mission is to enrich the local event industry.  This is all done by professional relationship building and advancements in industry knowledge by learning from each other.

Expect a warm and inviting space with a group of around 50 people who are connecting and talking together about their work, and the local industry.

Networking can be intimidating. We know this and have made a space that is warm and welcoming. 

Business cards are good to bring to add to our vendor table.

You can wear jeans or a full business suit.  We are pretty relaxed, just know that we usually have a photographer and you’ll likely be in a photo or two during the meeting. 

Nope. We appreciate having you in the room with everyone. The more the merrier is our thought.

Nope. Many of our current members began by volunteering with us.