Entering-to-Win is Easy – Just 3 Steps
- Share our latest Venue Tour video post on your social media feeds via Facebook and/or LinkedIn
- Include the 3 sponsors (see below) and add the hashtags
- Attend our Falling In Love With Networking virtual event on February 10th
That’s All Ya Gotta Do
One qualified lucky winner will be picked at random during our event on February 10th.
*You must be present at the virtual event to win. Restrictions and black-out dates for when you cannot redeem the over-night stay currently include: June 5, 19, July 8, 16, 31, and September 3rd. Additional blackout dates may arise. The overnight stay expires February 28th 2022.
Tips for Sharing the Video
Sharing the Video on Facebook
Here’s the Facebook video post for you to share
You must include:
- These business tags (make sure they are active links and not just text) @TwinCitiesWedding&EventProfessionals – @TheMarquetteHotel – @ReneesLimousines
- These five hashtags: #TcwepNetwork #Hospitality #Events #Accomodations #Limousineservice
- Post setting must be “Public” so that we can see it to pick you as a winner. (After you share the post, you might have click (…) then “edit audience” and set it to “Public”.)
Sharing the Video on LinkedIn
Here’s the LinkedIn video post to share
You must include:
- These three business tags (make sure they are active links and not just text) Twin Cities Wedding & Event Industry Professionals (TCWEP), Marquette Hotel and Renee’s Limousines | Minneapolis, MN
- These five hashtags: #TcwepNetwork #Hospitality #Events #Accomodations #Limousineservice